In this post I am going to provide two yantras for a very common problem and that is the relationship problem between husband and wife. In most cases it's the wife who suffers. I am giving below two yantras which are very useful in improving the relationship between husband and wife. These yantras are for those wives whose husbands have left them or ill-treat them or have extra marital relations. (Android users who are watching this post through my app (Astro Junction App) on their smartphones, should click on the title of the post above to see the complete post.)
Yantra 1:
![]() |
Yantra for improving husband wife relations |
Things needed:
1) Twig of pomegranate tree which should be sharpened from one end to give it the shape of a pen
2) Ashtgandh. It is the mixture of eight things including musk, chandan, saffron etc. It is easily available in shops.
3) Small piece of bhoj patra You will get it easily in a pansaari shop. It is the outer skin of a specific tree.
4) Ganga jal (ganges water), if available. Optional.
5)Talisman enclosure made of copper.
It looks like the one given in the picture below. The enclosure comes
in various shapes like round, square etc. Shape does not matter.
These are all the things that you need.
Take pinch of ashtgandh, add few drops of ganges water to it, if
available. If it is not available then add normal water to it. This is
to make the ink so that the above shown yantra can be drawn with this
making the ink, take the pomegranate twig and draw the yantra
shown above with the ashtgandh ink on a small piece of bhojpatra. Please make sure that you draw two yantras on two different bhojpatras. Please make sure that you take a fresh twig of pomegranate for drawing the second yantra. After drawing the
yantras, allow it to dry. Once it is dried, fold the piece of the bhojpatra
so that it fits inside the talisman enclosure and put it inside the
enclosure and close the enclosure. Do the same with the other bhojpatra as well. Your talisman is ready to be worn
now. Wear one talisman around your neck and the other talisman should be worn by your husband. If your husband is not ready to wear it for some reason. Take your husband's photo and wear the talisman around his photo. Draw this yantra in a
shubh muhurta in the hora of Venus.
Yantra 2:
![]() |
Yantra for improving husband wife relations |
Things needed:
1) Twig of pomegranate tree which should be sharpened from one end to give it the shape of a pen
2) Red Sandal. It is easily available in shops.
3) Small piece of bhoj patra You will get it easily in a pansaari shop. It is the outer skin of a specific tree.
4) Ganga jal (ganges water), if available. Optional.
These are all the things that you need.
Take pinch of red sandal, add few drops of ganges water to it, if
available. If it is not available then add normal water to it. This is
to make the ink so that the above shown yantra can be drawn with this
making the ink, take the pomegranate twig and draw the yantra
shown above with the red sandal ink on a small piece of bhojpatra. After drawing the
yantra, allow it to dry. Once it is dried, worship this yantra with dhoop and incense sticks and then wife should keep this yantra with her always. If you wear a saree, you can keep this yantra in the knot of your saree as well. Whatever way you keep it, it should be with you always. Husband will live in peace with you with this yantra.
Chances of success increase manifold if both the yantras are used together.
Note: The above procedure has been given only for the educational purposes. There are too many intricacies involved in the preparation of the yantras and everything can not be explained in a blog post. Yantra creation is an art. Readers are requested to get the yantras made only by an experienced person to get the complete benefit.
Note: The above procedure has been given only for the educational purposes. There are too many intricacies involved in the preparation of the yantras and everything can not be explained in a blog post. Yantra creation is an art. Readers are requested to get the yantras made only by an experienced person to get the complete benefit.
If you are interested in having the above yantras which are made by me after following all the procedures, then please email me for the cost and mode of delivery.
इस पोस्ट में मैं एक बहुत ही महत्त्वपूर्ण विषय पर दो यन्त्र बताने जा रहा हूँ, और वो विषय है पति पत्नी का सम्बन्ध । संबंधों में दरार आने पर पुरुषप्रधान समाज होने की वजह से ज्यादातर समय पत्नी को ही सहना पड़ता है । मैं नीचे दो यन्त्र देने जा रहा हूँ जो पति और पत्नी के सम्बन्ध सामान्य करने में काफी उपयोगी रहते हैं । यह यन्त्र उन पत्नियों के लिए है जिनके पति उन्हें छोड़ कर चले गए हैं, या फिर उनसे दुर्व्यवहार करते हैं या फिर किसी और औरत के चक्कर में पड़ गए हैं ।
यन्त्र 1
![]() |
Yantra for improving husband wife relations |
आवश्यक सामग्री:
1) अनार के पेड़ की एक डंडी (टहनी) जिसके एक सिरे को तीखा करके कलम का आकार दे दिया जाए।
2) अष्टगंध जो की आठ चीज़ों, चन्दन, कस्तूरी, केसर इत्यादि का मिश्रण है । यह आसानी से पंसारी की दुकान में मिल जाता है ।
3) भोजपत्र: ये भी आसानी से पंसारी की दूकान से मिल जाता है ।
4) गंगा जल अगर उपलब्ध हो तो अन्यथा साधारण पानी भी लिया जा सकता है ।
5) ताम्बे का बना हुआ ताबीज़ का खोल। ताबीज़ कई आकार में आते हैं । आप कोई भी आकार का खोल ले सकते हैं ।
आपको यन्त्र बनाने के लिए इन सब सामग्रियों की आवश्यकता है ।
चुटकी भर अष्टगंध लें और इसमें गंगा जल या साधारण जल मिला लें । इससे आपकी
स्याही तैयार हो जायेगी जिससे आप ऊपर दिया हुआ यन्त्र बनायेंगे ।
बनाने के बाद अनार की डंडी लीजिये और इसे स्याही में भिगोकर ऊपर दिया हुआ
यन्त्र एक भोजपत्र के टुकड़े पर बनाइये । पूरा यन्त्र बना लेने के बाद इसे
सूखने के लिए रख दीजिये । एक दूसरे भोजपत्र बिलकुल यही यन्त्र दोबारा से बनाइये । ध्यान रहे की दूसरा यन्त्र बनाने के लिए नयी अनार की कलम का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए ।सूखने के बाद भोजपत्र को मोड़ कर इतना छोटा बना लीजिये की
यह ताबीज़ के खोल के अन्दर पूरा आ जाए । दोनों यंत्रों को दो अलग अलग खोलों के अन्दर डालकर बंद कर दीजिये । अब यह ताबीज़ डालने के लिए तैयार है । एक ताबीज़ को अपने गले में डाल लें और दूसरा ताबीज़ अपने पति के गले में डाल दें । अगर किसी वजह से पति को डालना संभव न हो तो पति की फोटो पर डाल दें । इस यन्त्र को किसी शुभ मुहुर्त में शुक्र की होरा में बनाना चाहिए ।
आवश्यक सामग्री:
1) अनार के पेड़ की एक डंडी (टहनी) जिसके एक सिरे को तीखा करके कलम का आकार दे दिया जाए।
2) लाल चन्दन यह आसानी से पंसारी की दुकान में मिल जाता है ।
3) भोजपत्र: ये भी आसानी से पंसारी की दूकान से मिल जाता है ।
4) गंगा जल अगर उपलब्ध हो तो अन्यथा साधारण पानी भी लिया जा सकता है ।
चुटकी भर लाल चन्दन लें और इसमें गंगा जल या साधारण जल मिला लें । इससे आपकी
स्याही तैयार हो जायेगी जिससे आप ऊपर दिया हुआ यन्त्र बनायेंगे ।
बनाने के बाद अनार की डंडी लीजिये और इसे स्याही में भिगोकर ऊपर दिया हुआ
यन्त्र एक भोजपत्र के टुकड़े पर बनाइये । पूरा यन्त्र बना लेने के बाद इसे
सूखने के लिए रख दीजिये । सूखने के बाद भोजपत्र को सूखने के बाद पूजा करके और धूप बत्ती दिखाने के बाद पत्नी को हमेशा अपने पास रखना चाहिए । अगर आप साड़ी पहनती हैं तो अपनी साडी के पल्लू में इस भोज पत्र को बाँध कर रख सकती हैं । आप इसे चाहे जिस तरह भी रखें लेकिन यह हमेशा आपके पास रहना चाहिए । इससे पति की बुद्धि सुधर जायेगी और वह आपके साथ प्यार से रहेगा । इस यन्त्र को किसी शुभ मुहुर्त में शुक्र की होरा में बनाना चाहिए । इन यंत्रों के प्रयोग से पति शांतिपूर्वक आपके साथ रहेगा
दोनों यन्त्र अगर इकठे प्रयोग किये जाएँ तो सफलता की संभावना काफी बढ़ जाती है ।
नोट: ऊपर
दी गयी विधि केवल पाठकों की शिक्षा हेतु दी गयी है । यन्त्र बनाने में
बहुत सी बातों का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है और वो सारी बातें एक लेख में नहीं बतायी जा सकती हैं । यन्त्र बनाना एक कला है और पूरा फायदा लेने के लिए यन्त्र किसी अनुभवी व्यक्ति से ही बनवाना चाहिए ।
अगर आप पूरी विधि से मेरे द्वारा बनाए गए उपरोक्त यन्त्र मंगवाने में रूचि रखते हैं तो कीमत जानने के लिए मुझे ईमेल करिए ।

ReplyDeleteNamaskaar. Kya isse divorce roka jaa sakta he? Kripya batayen.
Aisa guarantee se to nahi kaha jaa sakta kyonki aapki kundli ke stars bhi dekhne padenge lekin main itna hi kahoonga ki yah bahut powerful yantra hain
DeleteNamaste Gaurav Ji , Mujhe ye yantra mangwane hai dono . aur ye shukr ki hora ka kya matlab hai please bataye .
ReplyDeleteAap mujhe email kijiye par
DeleteAmerica mai bhojpatar nai milta uska substitute kiya ho sakta hai... aue konsa din sahi hofa dusra yantra banane ke kiya pls help. .. my husband really hate me
ReplyDeleteAap ye yantra mujhse banwaa sakte hain mere pass sab cheezen available hain. Cost jaanane ke liye mujhe mail kijiye
DeleteSir can I make both yantra on diwali midnight on Nov 3rd.....pls reply....thank you
ReplyDeleteYou can and you should
DeleteSir can we put yatra 1 and yantra 2 in the same talisman and wear it.......please reply
ReplyDeleteBoth have to be in separate talismans
DeleteMy monthly cyvle started on 30th night so, technically 3rd Nov, Diwali night will be my 4th day. Can I make the yantra on Diwali (3rd Nov). If not, can I give the samagri to my parents ti make it on my behalf?
ReplyDeleteAlso, what time do I have to make this yantra?
You can still make the yantra yourself. Best time would be exactly at midnight
I have two queries about the above yantra and its puja vidhi.
1 . What a woman should do during the menstruation days? Can she keep wearing these yantra ? Also can she recite the mantra u hav given for happy married life in another post for which siddhi has to be done on deepawali night and recitation for 31 days?
2. Is deepawali midnight the right time to make this yantra given above or when is the coming shubh muhurta as we dont hav much knowledge about venus hora.
Awaiting your reply eagerly.
Yes women can keep wearing it. As far as mantra is concerned, it should be discontinued for the first 3 days of periods and then should be resumed.
DeleteDeepawali midnight is a good time to make the yantra
Dear Gauravji,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your help!
Happy Diwali and may God bless you with best of health, wealth and happiness forever:)
Thank you and wishing you the same.
Deleteye yahtraa kitni der pahenaa hai??? and when we wish to discontinue with this what is the next step??
ReplyDeleteIse pehne rakhiye to achha rahega
DeleteI have made this on Diwali night at 11.58p.m on 3rd Nov and started wearing it yesteday. I have to still put it on my husbands photo. As no colour was mentioned in the post I have worn it in a black thread is that fine
ReplyDeleteI have made this on Diwali night at 11.58p.m on 3rd Nov and started wearing it yesteday. I have to still put it on my husbands photo. As no colour was mentioned in the post I have worn it in a black thread is that fine
ReplyDeleteThat's good.
Maine dono yantra bana lie par maine ise laal dhage me banaya he aur pehen lia he. Kya color of thread badalna hoga?
Dusri baat kis din me ise apne pati ke photo ko pehanau plz guide
Nahi ye color bhi theek hai. Friday ko aap doosra yantra apne husband ki picture par pehnaa dijiye
DeleteYou said that 2nd yantra is used for husband will live in peace with wife. Whats the use of 1st yantra ? Is it for extra marital affair?
ReplyDeleteShall I worn three thalismans ( 2 for wife , 1 for husband) to a photo (combined photo of my husband and wife) .
Both the yantras are for controlling husband. In the first remedy two yantras are to be made one will be worn by wife and other to husband's photo. In the second remedy one yantra has to be made and kept by wife with her.
Deletesir can u plz make this yantra for 4 ,i would be really help ful to u..
ReplyDeletePlease send me an email at
Deletesir wats is शुक्र की होरा में बनाना चाहिए? can u plz answer
ReplyDeleteHora is roughly equal to an hour. On Friday the first hora will be of Venus. First hora start from sunrise and goes on till next one hour. So you can write it on Friday within one hour of sunrise.
maine ye yantra diwali ko banake pehne the par aaj achanak wo gir gaya. ab me kya karu?
kya isko fir se pehen lu ya koi vidhi purvak ise doobara dharan karna he kripya bataye.
kya ye koi boora sanket he.
kripya jaldi mere samasya ka samadhan karne me madad kijie. mera man bahut pareshan ho raha he, dar bhu lag raha he.....
Chinta mat kariye...isse dhoop agarbatti dikhaa kar phir se daal lijiye shukravaar ke din.
DeleteDear sir, I have emailed my problem to you on ur email id. Pls look into the problem and suggest a solution.
ReplyDeleteWarm regards
ReplyDeleteTill how many days these yantras effect will be there. Is there any process for wearing this yantra after taken during menstrual cycle.
sir the first yantra vidhi will work if problem is from wife side...and can i make it because problem is in the life of my brother and his wife...
ReplyDeleteThere are different yantras for wife. Please email me at
Deletecan i make it for my bhaiya and bhabhi
DeleteSir, My family was in problem due to dad.
ReplyDeleteNAME- Sarnath Chakraborty
Time- 4;35 am
DOB- 09/01/1961
Place- midnapore (W.B)
Sir mere dad alcohol k taraf bahut aakarshit hain . wo dophar aur raat ko daily peete hain aur is wajah se bahut karj apne upar le liya hain ghar pe roz jhagde hote hain mom ko heart ki bimari b hain bahut kuch kiye hain lekin inka nasha nai chuda paya kuch upay bata dijiye jinse inko bahut jaldi nashe se chutkara mil jaye .. thank you
Sir ye yantra jo wife ko pahenna he wo ek talisman ke andar dono pahen sakti he or ye yantra kitna ifective hain kyoki me or mere pati 10 month se mammutav ke karn alag ho gye he abhi tak divorce ki bat nhi hui but sayad uske mummy papa ke kahene pr wo divorce ke liye taiyar bhi ho jaye or ha sir pati ko vas me ya usake man ko jitneka upay bhi sahi rahega mere liye yantra or mantra sath kar sakti hu plz sir reaply must
ReplyDeleteAap mujhe par email kijiye
DeletePlz sir reaply dejiye me bahut paresan hu plz plz plz me ye yantra issamay bna sakti hu kya
ReplyDeleteSir I have mailed you an email regarding my problem with my husband.please check it give solutions
ReplyDeleteGreat service god bless you
ReplyDeleteCan I make this yantra on next Friday morning after sunrise
Can I wear both yantra on nake in diffrent talisman ?
Pls reply
guruji pranam kya hum ye upay jo apne btaye hai unhe shraadh mein shuru kr skte hain ki nhi. kyoki mai bht preshan hu apne pati ar apne beech ki kadwahat se. hmari bilkul nhi baat bhi nhi krte aapas mein. bs unk papa ka khan hai maine vashikaran kia hua hai tum jo mrzi kr lo tumhare kbi nhi honge. mujhe nhi pta ye sch hai ya bs wo drink krne k baad bolte hain pr mere husband jo ma baap aur behan khe whi krte hain. meri aur bete ki jo2 sal ka hai bilkul prwah ni mera beta mere ma baap k pas rhta hai kyoki mere pati ghr ka saamaanbi nhi laate. aur sbse bdi problem hai meri job baar baar chut jaati hai. please help sir asap
ReplyDeletemujhe email kijiye
DeleteSir plz tell Is mantra ko bnane ka next subhh muhurat kab hai and mantra ko kisi b time chant kr skte h kya morning or evening kyunki mai working hu
ReplyDeleteAap apni convenience ke hisaab se kisi bhi time recite kar sakte hain
DeleteSir meri wife shadi k baad se alag h...wo divorce chahti h ..par me use khona nai chahta...kripa kijiye
ReplyDeleteSir mere husband london me rehte hai aur me india mein.kya ye yantra tab bhi asar kar sakte hai??
ReplyDeleteJee haan. Iske alaawa aap ek Gauri shankar rudraksha bhi pahniye
Any mantras and yantra for controlling wife
DeleteThere are many yantras as well. You can contact me at
Sir main apne part se bahut pyar karti hun.who bhi karte the par pata nhi as unko kya hogya hai hum pichle 6month se sath nhi re rahe yahan take baat bhi nhi karte mjhse NA hi mujhe wajah bata rahe bas kehte hain mujhe divorce chahiye aur reason main court main bataunga.mujhe kuch samajh nhi aa raha plaza meri help kijiye main kya karun main apne part se bahut pyar karti hun aur unko khona bilkul bhi nahi chahti .
ReplyDeleteMujhe aap dono ki kundliyan dekhni padengi. Aap mujhe email kariye par