Many ladies face the problem of recurrent miscarriages. The recurrent pregnancy loss can be avoided by wearing the following yantra. This yantra is also called Batteesa yantra because the sum of all rows and all columns comes out to be 32 in this yantra. This yantra removes all the problems due to which miscarriages happen and once the lady conceives, this yantra protects the pregnancy as well. As it is considered to be very effective yantra in protecting the pregnancy so every pregnant lady should wear this yantra. (Android users who are watching this post through my app (Astro Junction App) on their smartphones, should click on the title of the post above to see the complete post.)
Things needed:
1) Twig of pomegranate tree; which should be sharpened from one end to give it the shape of a pen.
2) Ashtgandh. It is the mixture of eight things including musk, chandan, saffron etc. It is easily available in shops.
3) Small piece of bhoj patra You will get it easily in a pansaari shop. It is the outer skin of a specific tree.
4) Ganga jal (ganges water), if available. Optional.
5)Talisman enclosure made of copper.
It looks like the one given in the picture below. The enclosure comes
in various shapes like round, square etc. Shape does not matter.
These are all the things that you need. Muhurta: This yantra should be written in shukla paksha (bright half) on Thursday or on any other auspicious muhurta like Ravi Pushya Yoga or Guru Pushya Yoga.
Take pinch of ashtgandh, add few drops of ganges water to it, if
available. If it is not available then add normal water to it. This is
to make the ink so that the above shown yantra can be drawn with this
Note: The above procedure has been given only for the educational purposes. There are too many intricacies involved in the preparation of the yantras and everything can not be explained in a blog post. Making a Yantra is an art. Readers are requested to get the yantras made only by an experienced person to get the complete benefit.
If you are interested in having the Batteesa Yantra for recurrent miscarriages which is made by me after following all the procedures, then please email me for the cost and mode of delivery.
इस पोस्ट में मैं जो यन्त्र देने जा रहा हूँ वह गर्भ रक्षा के लिए उत्तम माना गया है । जब बार बार किसी विकार या फिर किसी 'बंध' की वजह से गर्भ गिर जाता हो तो इस यन्त्र को पहनने से सभी विकार दूर हो जाते हैं और गर्भ की रक्षा होती है । हर गर्भवती स्त्री को गर्भ की रक्षा के लिए इस यन्त्र को पहनना चाहिए ।
आवश्यक सामग्री:
1) अनार के पेड़ की एक डंडी (टहनी) जिसके एक सिरे को तीखा करके कलम का आकार दे दिया जाए।
2) अष्टगंध जो की आठ चीज़ों, चन्दन, कस्तूरी, केसर इत्यादि का मिश्रण है । यह आसानी से पंसारी की दुकान में मिल जाता है ।
3) भोजपत्र: ये भी आसानी से पंसारी की दूकान से मिल जाता है ।
4) गंगा जल अगर उपलब्ध हो तो अन्यथा साधारण पानी भी लिया जा सकता है ।
5) ताम्बे का बना हुआ ताबीज़ का खोल। ताबीज़ कई आकार में आते हैं । आप कोई भी आकार का खोल ले सकते हैं ।
आपको यन्त्र बनाने के लिए इन सब सामग्रियों की आवश्यकता है ।
इस यन्त्र को आप शुक्ल पक्ष के गुरूवार को या फिर किसी भी शुभ मुहूर्त
(जैसे रवि पुष्य योग, गुरु पुष्य योग आदि) में भी बना सकते हैं ।
चुटकी भर अष्टगंध लें और इसमें गंगा जल या साधारण जल मिला लें । इससे आपकी
स्याही तैयार हो जायेगी जिससे आप ऊपर दिया हुआ यन्त्र बनायेंगे ।
नोट: ऊपर
दी गयी विधि केवल पाठकों की शिक्षा हेतु दी गयी है । यन्त्र बनाने में
बहुत सी बातों का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है और वो सारी बातें एक लेख में नहीं बतायी जा सकती हैं । यन्त्र बनाना एक कला है और पूरा फायदा लेने के लिए यन्त्र किसी अनुभवी व्यक्ति से ही बनवाना चाहिए ।
अगर आप पूरी विधि से मेरे द्वारा बनाया हुआ गर्भ रक्षा बत्तीसा यन्त्र मंगवाने में रूचि रखते हैं तो कीमत जानने के लिए मुझे ईमेल करिए । 
ReplyDeletemy son is IT diploma engineering. He passed his 3rd yr with 70%, but he is not able to clear his 1 subject of 4th semister (2nd yr). Kindly guide as he will be appearing for that subject in March/April 2014. What should he do to clear year the subject at this time.
nammaste guruj
ReplyDeletecan you even suggest any mantra to recite for securing the pregnancy .
as i cannot wear or make this yantra
my inlaws wont agree
it will b great help. if you give any mantra that can be recited by me i am 4 montth pregnant
thank u
I will post a mantra soon.
Deletehello gaurav jee
ReplyDeletei am a big follower of your posts and ur posts have helped me a lot..
i am pregnant and wanted u to suggest me a mantra so that my pregnancy should b safe..
i had followed your lal kitab post for prevention of pregnancy and even followed a post for uterine problems...
it has helped me ...
can u suggest me mantra that i do not have a preterm labour,, due to uterine issue doc has told me tht i will have a child early...
again pls help me by sharing a mantra for pregnancy that i can go full term..i am 5 months now
.... thank u so much again
You should go for the yantra given in this post
DeleteSir I am on bed rest and cannot go out to buy this stuff required.. any other option that could help me..i stay in d out scards so not even possible I can ask my husband to get this..
DeleteAny mantra that I cant will b very helpful
I can make this for you. Please send me an email at to know the price.
DeleteGaurav Ji
ReplyDeleteI have emailed you also, I want this yantra. How much would it cost me? Please let me know.
This will cost 5,000 rupees or 100 USD.